How this site works
- T Levels and the outcome of the Review of Qualifications Reform
- Securing technical talent for your business: How T Level Science can deliver the skilled workforce your business
- Webinar recording: How might industry placements work for construction roles within your organisation?
- Webinar recording: Hosting T Level industry placements in the health & social care sector
- Webinar recording: Placement approaches - developing the right model for your organisations
- Webinar recording: Supporting employers with T Level Industry Placements – an introduction for business advisors
- Webinar recording: Industry placements – Upskilling tomorrow's workforce
- Privacy notice
- Webinar recording: Industry placement hosting; writing job descriptions, designing projects and setting objectives
- Industry placement stories: full video transcript
- Industry placement stories: Practicalities and logistics video transcript
- Industry placement stories: Diversity and Inclusion video transcript
- Industry placement stories: Planning and provider links video transcript
- Industry placement stories: Meaningful work and projects video transcript
- Industry placement stories: Benefits to staff video transcript
- Industry placement stories: Benefits to students video transcript
- Industry placement stories: benefits to employers video transcript
- Webinar recording: How might industry placements work for education roles within your organisation?
- Webinar recording: How might industry placements work for science roles within your organisation
- Webinar recording: How might industry placements work for digital roles within your organisation
- Webinar recording: How might industry placements work for Construction roles within your organisation
- Terms and conditions
- Cookies
- Accessibility statement
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