Industry placement stories: Benefits to staff video transcript


This video shows why T levels give back so much to the staff who support students on industry placements and welcome them into their teams.

Hannah Rumson – CTECH Business Solutions

I've benefited myself from looking after the students because it also shows me how far I've come personally, having the workload shared out, it's great because I get to work with them and I see them as part of my team. I see them as you know, my colleagues who I get to work with who really kind of push me as well. Ideas and opportunities that I haven't even thought of so that collaboration with them.

It really drives me forwards too.

Harminda Bhambra – BAM Construct UK

I think as a mentor I think my role is to sort of.

Make sure they're they're interested into it.

You've got Ahana. Then you have to step back a bit and say, OK, This is why we do this.

And then you have to sort of break it down so she understands how you've got to that place, rather than sort of, you just jump into there.

Nneka Smith – Cambridge University Hospitals

But it also gives us an opportunity to highlight some of the professions in areas that people aren't aware of, and we really need to fill those gaps in those professions because they're really vital to the NHS as a whole service.

Alister Broadberry – Morgan Sindall

So I think the teams benefit in a number of ways. They get to see people come into the industry that then they work alongside and they know that you know that person is growing because of the input that they're giving to them. And I think that makes the individual that is sharing that knowledge and experience. You know, not only they feel good about it, but they sort of grow in themselves.

 Julia Schumann-Pratt – Cambridge University Hospitals

It's the best thing about my job and relations for T Levels and placements as a whole is my opportunity to be out and talk to colleagues across the whole of the trust.

It's all that knowledge and information that I'm absorbing and I'm taking in that I can then take out to career events and talk to year nines and students coming through that will eventually be going onto the pathways.

Cam Ritchie – Morgan Sindall

To mentoring him and to take on board the ways he likes to learn, and that's opened me up, but more of as a person in the management role that people are different, you have to adapt to different people and you know you're talking to subcontractors, you don't talk down to anyone. You speak to them and you have your relationship and you have to build different relations with different people.


Click on the links to see how employers and students benefit from the industry placements as well.


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