Industry placement stories: Meaningful work and projects video transcript


This video shows the range and variety of work that T Level students do in industry placements and the types of projects they contribute to.

Helen Clements – Morgan Sindall

So Pan’s doing really well. He's making the most of every opportunity that's coming and being offered to him. And so on site he's shadowing the various job roles, spending time with each of them. He's actually doing some hands on activity, getting to experience what he would do if he's successful in becoming an apprentice with us.

Cam Ritchie – Morgan Sindall

That's I would say that the major thing for me is just getting them onto site, getting them the experience on site and how site actually works day-to-day experience of interacting with people and not just people on site but dealing with clients as well.

Helen Clements – Morgan Sindall

When a student first joins us, they're of course shadowing and learning and watching what our experienced staff do, but they soon get given the responsibilities and they actually do real live work on the project. So they're not, they're not given work that's a side of the project. They're playing their part in helping deliver our projects

Cam Ritchie – Morgan Sindall

So I it's great to then carry out the whole process.

So instead of him only seeing us lifting the subpanels and he's now seeing from the day we pulled the foundations, he's now going to be part of the handover process for phase one in April, which really does give him a good, good, broad experience.

Dan Bridgewater – Baily Garner

So since joining us, Serena worked on a variety of architectural projects. She's worked with a mixture of the architectural team as well. She's worked on things from planning applications through to more technical elements, as well as taking a brief from people.

Marcus Lewis – Baily Garner

So what we doing on Monday when we have our team meeting, we'll discuss as a group what projects are coming up for, what needs doing that we can then we can allocate specific tasks then to Serena when she's here and we actually like to get involved in real projects because she gets to see what we're doing and she gets to see the reasons why we're doing it.

Julia Schumann-Pratt – Cambridge University Hospitals

So students on their placements will be doing a variety of tasks. They now be helping with blood testing, sampling, diagnosis, looking under microscopes. Within the ward and clinic areas, it will be talking to the patients, calling them in if they're in a clinic area. Doing their observations, weight, blood pressure, things like that.

If you're in our digital comms team, you could be helping design and revamp web areas. Social media help, planning with events. Hence there's lots of different things involvement depending on their the T Level that they are in.

Nneka Smith - Cambridge University Hospitals

In so on an industry placement, students will learn how to interact with service users and patients.

Jenny Sinclair - Cambridge University Hospitals

So within healthcare our T level, students day today will be generally working with our support workers.

So they are working very hands on with our patients.

Nneka Smith - Cambridge University Hospitals

The service users and the patients are here at a very vulnerable time. And it's only by sitting with them and talking to them that you really capture those moments and those feelings that they have.

Andy Dennahy – CTECH Business Solutions

We deal with IT, which is what a lot of the students coming in want to do. They get the chance to work on websites and social media. They get to see the mundane elements of what we do as a business.

You get to see the full end to end of what really makes a business work.

We put them on real work. We don't invent projects for. Them we do a little. But most of the work we get them to do is actually customer facing work. So some of it is adapting websites and social media posts and even developing complete websites for our customers. They're doing something.

They see it go out into the marketplace and they see the results that come back from it, and they're the only people doing it. We're not doing it. They're doing it, but they see the output. The clients get to deal with the output and they're delighted with how these things are going.

John Cole - CTECH Business Solutions

So yes, we actually prefer our customers with our T Level students in a meeting with us.

All together because they can also come up with ideas that we haven't thought about because that's where their skills are. That's where it is all about.

Hannah Rumson - CTECH Business Solutions

And now they've actually started taking on projects that they can own and they, they guide themselves really, we're here for, you know, to help with it, but they're actually working with real life clients. And so it's that, that responsibility that they're really grateful to have.


Click on the links to see how to plan industry placements and make the practical arrangements for T level students to come in and make a real contribution to your organisation

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