Industry placement stories: Diversity and Inclusion video transcript


This video shows how employers are making workplaces more diverse and inclusive by having students on industry placements from a wide range of backgrounds.

Nneka Smith – Cambridge University Hospitals

The NHS does aim and strive to be an inclusive employer and we have many ways in which we're trying to achieve that but in this example for T Levels, the inclusivity comes in the sense that they get an opportunity to see what options there are for them. And I think T Levels is a really great opportunity to open up those channels for the students involved.

Helen Clements – Morgan Sindall

As a business, we have chosen in the East of England to set ourselves targets for all of our educational engagement right through to T levels.

And we're trying to achieve 50/50 gender parity and we're also trying to get 33% ethnicity and 33% disability. So we know this outreach work and doing the work experience, supporting T levels will all do that.

Alister Broadberry – Morgan Sindall

So for Morgan Sindall, I think having diverse and inclusive workplaces is super important. You know, you look around the industry, we're not particularly diverse and the encouragement that the different attitudes, the culture, the behaviors are different when we have a different and more diverse workplace and I think for us to be effective, progressive as a business, that's really important for the future.

Phil Eves – BAM Construct UK

We want to try and get more women into construction.

We definitely need to get more people in from different backgrounds, but I think it's happening without us having to try and force the issue, if that makes sense. So it's naturally happening.

Dan Bridgewater – Baily Garner

So it's hugely important to us as a business to increase diversity within the industry, both in terms of the gender balance as well as introducing opportunities for those who are within an ethnic minority. We do this by partnering up with schools and colleges and to attracting students from youngest of ages.


Click on the links to see how industry placements are also a great way for employers to attract new talent and recruit young people into the workforce.

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