Case study

Case study: industry placement stories

Last updated



In this resource you can hear feedback from employers, staff and students about their positive experiences of T Level industry placements.

The first case study is in 7 short sections dealing with different aspects of T Level industry placements.  You can watch the video all the way through – it lasts around 8 minutes or click on the menu below to select the chapter you particularly want to learn more about.

Full video - industry placement stories   

Full video transcript   

Benefits to employers

Benefits to students

Benefits to staff

Meaningful work and projects

Planning and providers links

Diversity and inclusion

Practicalities and logistics

There are also separate shorter video clips going into more detail about each aspect. Click on the play button on the images below to learn more.



How you can use this in your organisation

Benefits to employers

This video shows some of the ways in which employers benefit from offering industry placements to T Level students.

industry placement image with play button

Video length: 1 minute 24 seconds

Video transcript

The checklist below lists the benefits talked about in the video. Plan how your organisation will make these happen. There’s space to add other benefits too. The checklist will help you to:

  • Clarify the reasons why your organisation should offer industry placements
  • Get the key messages across to others in the organisation who are involved.

Benefits to students

This video shows some of the many different ways in which T Level students benefit from spending time on an industry placement with employers.

industry placement image with play button

Video length: 4 minutes 8 seconds

Video transcript

The checklist below lists the benefits talked about in the video. Plan how your organisation will make these happen. There’s space to add other benefits too. The checklist will help to:

  • Make the industry placements meaningful, varied, and productive
  • Provide the right types of opportunity and support to students throughout the placement.

Benefits to staff

This video shows why T Levels give back so much to the staff who support students on industry placements and welcome them into their teams.

industry placement image with play button

Video length: 2 minutes 15 seconds

Video transcript

The checklist below lists the benefits talked about in the video. Plan how your organisation will make these happen. There’s space to add other benefits too. The checklist will help to:

  • Prepare your staff to support students on industry placements
  • Provide the right types of opportunity and support to staff in their placement role.

Meaningful work and projects

This video shows the range and variety of work that T Level students do in industry placements and the types of projects they contribute to.industry placement image with play button

Video length: 4 minutes 32 seconds

Video transcript

The document below lists words used by employers in the video to describe activities that make industry placements meaningful and interesting to students. You can use it to:

  • Plan a varied and stimulating range of work for students to do during their placement
  • Explain to students what they are doing, e.g. ‘shadowing’ means following experienced members of staff and observing them carefully as they do their job
  • Think of other activities that make the experience of being on a placement in your organisation beneficial to students.

Planning and provider links

This video shows how employers plan industry placements with colleges and training providers to give T Level students real and valuable experience of the work environment.

industry placement image with play button

Video length: 4 minutes 13 seconds

Video transcript

The checklist below lists the goals mentioned in the video, the experiences students need to reach these goals, and how you can structure learning. These are important aspects of an industry placement that should be agreed by your organisation working together with schools and colleges. There’s space to add other aspects of the placement where employers and providers can also collaborate. The checklist will help to:

  • Identify the goal of each of the placements you offer
  • Specify learning objectives for each student and how they will be achieved
  • Prepare your staff to give students the support the need to reach their goals.

Diversity and inclusion

This video shows how employers are making their workplaces more diverse and more inclusive by having students on industry placements from a wide range of backgrounds.

industry placement image with play button

Video length: 2 minutes 7 seconds

Video transcript

The checklist below lists some of the ways in which employers are already improving  diversity and inclusion through T Levels. There’s space to add other ways in which this is happening too. The checklist will help to:

  • Plan how your organisation will offer industry placements to students from a wide range of backgrounds
  • Set and achieve targets for students coming on placements in your organisation
  • Develop your organisation’s approach to inclusion and diversity

Practicalities and logistics

This video shows some practical arrangements employers are making to share placements, work with providers, look after students’ health and wellbeing, place them in the right part of the organisation, and give them the support they need.

industry placement image with play button

Video length: 3 minutes 46 seconds

Video transcript

The checklist below lists some of the things that need to be arranged before the placement starts so that the process runs smoothly. Many of the processes employers use for new recruits can also be used for students on industry placements. Colleges and schools can help you with additional requirements, e.g. for safeguarding. There is space at the end of the checklist for anything else you think needs to be arranged. The checklist will help to:

  • Set up the placement in advance so that it runs smoothly from the start
  • Use existing processes and modify them where needed
  • Identify anything where the school or college can support the arrangements being made for your organisation.


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