Case study

Low Carbon Construction

Last updated


In this case study, we hear from Low Carbon Construction on the benefits they've experienced when inviting students in on industry placements.

Low Carbon Construction (LCC) specialises in building modular houses. The company are pioneers in an innovative offsite/onsite method of construction, in which a temporary factory is created to assemble structural insulated panels (SIPs) on site. LCC’s goal is to make affordable housing more available within the UK to meet local needs and create a more sustainable, better-balanced housing market.

"Students are our future"

Bridgette Farrow, LCC Director explains; “Our overall objective is to grow the sector and support other companies, as well as LCC and our supply chain. There is a known skill shortage in the sector. We must change young people’s education, modernise the opportunities and build their knowledge and enthusiasm. Due to the diverse nature of the curriculum offered by T Levels, we are able to provide students with the relevant experience and grow our business by employing T level graduates."

Diversity and flexibility of T Levels

It was the diversity and flexibility of the T Level curriculum that interested Bridgette; “T Levels seemed to have the required flexibility to provide an answer to the issue of skills in our sector.”

Working closely with supply chain partners, Bridgette and the LCC team have attended meetings and contributed to detailed planning with the T Level provider. As a result, the curriculum is starting to take shape. Year 1 of the T Level programme will focus on building students’ skills, knowledge and confidence, before they are released for longer industry placements in Year 2.

Bridgette explains; “It is a lot of work, but the payback will be the development of a talent pipeline for LCC, and our supply chain partners. Students coming on industry placements with us will gain a rich understanding of the state-of-the-art products LCC chooses to use, our green credentials and the attention to detail required to operate in this sector."

LCC’s top tips for industry placements

  1. Be warm and welcoming to students.
  2. Encourage them to ask questions – as many as they like!
  3. Give them an approachable link person within the company to ensure effective communication.
  4. Make them part of the team.
  5. Keep their interest levels high by engaging them as fully as possible in the work.
  6. Provide opportunities to enable them to show their potential.

If you're interested in offering an industry placement, get in touch with T Level providers near you

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