Selecting projects and tasks for an Agriculture, Environment and Animal Care industry placement

When planning your placement, you should think about projects and tasks that can:

  • allow students to apply and enhance their knowledge of the industry as well as their technical skills
  • add value to your organisation 

You should do this in collaboration with the student's school or college. 

Students taking the Animal Care and Management and Agriculture, Land Management and Production T Levels will have a broad understanding of the sector, and will be studying occupation-specific modules.

Here, you'll find examples of projects you can set for your industry placement students, as well as tips on things to think about when planning them. 

Example projects for Agriculture, Environment and Animal Care



Dairy farm assistant

The student attended for a block of time during the second year of their course to coincide with the calving season of the farm.

The student gained valuable skills and experience whilst caring for cows that supply milk and assisting with the harvesting of their milk.

Projects and tasks:

  • Feed cows, administer medication and clean waste
  • Under supervision, operate milking equipment to milk cows
  • Clean and maintain farming and milking equipment
  • Check for and report on changes in the cows’ condition

Packhouse line leader assistant

A packhouse that cleans, sorts and packages vegetables for a number of supermarkets, offered industry placements to support line leaders meet production targets during their busy season.

The students started just before the season to learn about health and safety, hygiene, the machinery used in the building, quality standards and production schedules. Once the season started, they supported the line leaders to coordinate production and resources, carry out machine maintenance and supervise packing of products.

Projects and tasks:

  • Manage accurate records within the packhouse environment
  • Coordinate products and resources to meet customer demand, considering food safety and quality requirements
  • Supervise the identification, selection and preparation of fresh products for sale/dispatch
  • Under supervision, operate food processing/packing machinery and equipment safely and efficiently
  • Perform routine equipment checks and maintenance

Assistant zookeeper

A zoo park that struggled to recruit keepers, offered industry placements to a group of students.

The students came in 2 days a week to support park staff. They engaged with customers, observed and worked with a wide range of animals, maintained the cleanliness of the enclosures, helped plan animal feeding and keepers as needed.

Projects and tasks:

  • Prepare and maintain all areas of the park
  • Prepare animal care records, equipment and resources
  • Plan and review animal nutrition, prepare food and feed animals
  • Assist the park’s veterinary team with medical treatments, and support with maintaining animal care records
  • Prepare, use, maintain, store and dispose equipment, and materials appropriately

Waterway assistant operative

Working on an improvement project, the students contributed to the improvement of a waterway network for local communities and visitors to enjoy.

Students attended on a block placement model to coincide with project timescales. The students experienced the entire project lifecycle and gained a very practical understanding of team based project work in a waterways setting.

Projects and tasks:

  • Collect debris and report pollution and fly-tipping incidents
  • With supervision, monitor water levels and assist with controlling them using sluice mechanisms and weirs
  • Support with the use of dredgers to remove silt and load onto hoppers for removal
  • Repair and maintain equipment such as locks, bollards and hooks
  • Report problems with local wildlife, such as injured swans

Identifying placement projects

Examples of placements for this skill area could include:

  • assisting with day to day animal care
  • nursing sick animals in a veterinary setting
  • supporting landscape professionals in designing, planning and managing spaces
  • assisting with the maintenance and repair of equipment

Look for projects and tasks for placement students that:

  • line up with your future skills needs in terms of working practices and technology
  • will attract and challenge high-calibre students who are aiming for a career in the industry
  • will demand specific technical skills from students
  • provide opportunities for students to make a meaningful contribution to live projects, while recognising that they are likely to be new to the world of work and so need to be involved in lower risk or non-critical systems and processes
  • allow learning and contribution without being an added burden for their supervisors, or slowing down overall projects or business processes

Use the Planning the content of an industry placement article to help structure the projects and tasks in a way that provides meaningful experience for the student and delivers tangible benefits for your organisation.

If you're interested in offering an industry placement, get in touch with T Level providers near you

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