Selecting projects and tasks for an Engineering and Manufacturing industry placement

When planning your placement, you should think about projects and tasks that can:

  • allow students to apply and enhance their knowledge of the industry as well as their technical skills
  • add value to your organisation 

You should do this in collaboration with the student's school or college. 

Students taking Engineering and Manufacturing T Levels will have a broad understanding of the sector, and will be studying occupation-specific modules.

Where possible, projects should be relevant to the student’s occupational specialism. However, you can also use projects that help them develop skills relevant to the broad range of work available in engineering and manufacturing industries.

Here, you'll find examples of projects you can set for your industry placement students, as well as tips on things to think about when planning them. 

Industry placement example scenarios


Design and development trainee (Mechanical Engineering)

To support the design and development mechanical engineering team in using, interpreting and evaluating a range of engineering data sources and documentation to enable the production of engineering drawings, models and plans for simple mechanical projects (tasks would require working with the team, under supervision).

Projects and tasks:

  • Analysing and interpreting technical information from plans, drawings, and specifications
  • Verifying the mechanical design technical data are compliant with context, function and specific requirements
  • Evaluating and comparing design and materials options
  • Producing drawings, models and simulations, using appropriate CAD software, or other digital technology for design options
  • Checking completed drawings for quality, technical compliance and completeness
  • Evaluating the project outcomes and assisting in communicating informed recommendations to stakeholders

Manufacturing trainee (Manufacturing Technologies)

To provide support for a team manufacturing an item, to enable completion and delivery to a client within a specified time frame (tasks would require working with the team, under supervision).

Projects and tasks:

  • Interpreting plans and drawings, identifying technical information, materials, and methods
  • Identifying any issues and risks with resources, tools, equipment and machinery
  • Checking the availability and costs of tools and resources required and whether they meet the needs of clients
  • Providing a plan for setting up the work area, adjusting machines, measuring and marking out and dealing with waste
  • Undertaking fault finding and quality control procedures

Junior maintenance technician (Mechanical)

To support the Maintenance team in attending to the needs of plant machinery equipment to ensure continuous, uninterrupted and improved organisation productivity (tasks would require working with the team, under supervision).

Projects and tasks:

  • Supporting pre job risk assessment and ensuring it is safe to undertake the task
  • Providing a plan for setting up and preparing the work area including selecting appropriate tools and test equipment that are to be used
  • Gathering technical data, service information, spares and parts
  • Replacing, repairing or installing as required to complete the task, including fault finding and returning the system to operations
  • Completing a post job debrief, communicating relevant information to stakeholders and completion of service records and records of tasks completed

Identifying placement projects

Look for projects and tasks for placement students that:

  • line up with your future skills needs and working practices
  • will attract and challenge students who are aiming for a career in engineering and manufacturing
  • will demand specific understanding and basic use of hand tools or equipment from students
  • provide opportunities for students to make a meaningful contribution to the work of the organisation, but recognising that they are likely to be new to the world of work and so need to be involved in lower risk or non-critical systems and processes
  • allow learning and contribution without being an added burden for their supervisors, or slowing down overall projects or business processes
  • equally important to the identification of what a student can do is the identification of what they cannot do. An information sheet outlining the limits of responsibility and actions a student can take should be discussed with the school or college. This will give clear guidance to the student and safeguard all parties.

You can use the planning the content of an industry placement article to:

  • structure industry placement projects and tasks
  • provide meaningful experience for the student 
  • deliver tangible benefits for your organisation

Skills Hub preparation

Students may spend up to the first 105 hours of their industry placement in an approved skills hub  or employer training centre.  This allows them to gain practical skills relevant to their industry placement and hit the ground running when entering the real workplace.  It means that they can be a valuable resource to your organisation from the start of their placement with you.

Small team projects

Students studying engineering and manufacturing T Levels can work in small teams alongside an external construction employer / industry professional(s) for 105 hours to plan and implement a project that develops students’ construction skills

If you're interested in offering an industry placement, get in touch with T Level providers near you

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