Selecting projects and tasks for an Education and Early Years industry placement
When planning your placement, you should think about projects and tasks that can:
- allow students to apply and enhance their knowledge of the industry as well as their technical skills
- add value to your organisation
You should do this in collaboration with the student's school or college.
Students taking the Education and Early Years T Level will have a broad understanding of the sector, and will be studying occupation-specific modules.
In the Early Years Educator Specialism, the industry placement requirement is a minimum of 750 hours and an important part of the assessment process involves evaluating skills in real working situations. This differs from other specialisms where the industry placement is for a minimum of 315 hours.
Here, you'll find examples of projects you can set for your industry placement students, as well as tips on things to think about when planning them.
Example industry placement projects for Education and Early Years
Learning assistant support in a junior school
The placement student worked in the Learning Support Department to support learning across all subject areas in the school.
The student attended 2 days a week during the whole of their second year of study.
Projects and tasks:
- Support a Learning Support Assistant with one-to-one support for SEND students
- Work with teachers to monitor pupils’ progress and produce reports using the school’s learning management system
- Maintain educational resources keeping them in order and properly stored when not in use, and research and make recommendations for the development of support resources
- Contribute to the evaluation of the SEND support programme offered by the school
Childcare centre support worker
Three students joined teams in this large day nursery, 2 days a week in the first year of their course and for a 24-week single block during the second year.
The students experienced the full range of tasks, from planning child initiated activities, assessing children’s learning experiences and contributing to the wellbeing of children in the setting.
All 3 students confirmed their interest in a childcare career, and successfully completed their course.
Projects and tasks:
- Review and understand relevant legislation such as food hygiene training, safeguarding training, Keeping Children Safe in Education and how they are used in the setting
- Under supervision of experienced nursery staff, plan and supervise child initiated play based around the interests of individual children. Document the plan and record observations
- Support children’s development in speech, language and communication by running regular singing with actions sessions
- In line with EYFS curriculum, devise and deliver a play-based activity for the children. Report to the setting staff on the outcome and recommendations for improvement
- With supervision, greet parents/carers and children to the setting in order to build relationships and trust between the setting staff and the families
Identifying placement projects
Ideal placements for Education and Early Years students could include:
- assisting with day-to-day childcare
- providing one-to-one attention for children with particular care requirements
- providing additional help with music and dance activities
- working along-side qualified teachers or existing learning assistants to support learning activities.
Look for projects and tasks for placement students that:
- line up with your future skills needs in terms of working practices and technology
- will attract and challenge high-calibre students who are aiming for a career in the industry
- will demand specific technical skills from students
- provide opportunities for students to make a meaningful contribution to live projects, but recognising that they are likely to be new to the world of work and so need to be involved in lower risk or non-critical systems and processes
- allow learning and contribution without being an added burden for their supervisors, or slowing down overall projects or business processes
You can use the Planning the content of an industry placement article to:
- structure industry placement projects and tasks
- provide meaningful experience for the student and
- deliver tangible benefits for your organisation
If you're interested in offering an industry placement, get in touch with T Level providers near you.
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