MedTec Design Services

MedTec Design Services Limited (MedTec) is an award-winning engineering specialist, based on the Isle of Wight, with the expertise and knowledge to offer clients complete solutions for their individual business needs.

For nearly 40 years, the SME has provided design, draughting, and engineering services to brands including General Electric, Babcock and BAE Systems. In 2020, shortly after winning the Isle of Wight Best in Business awards, the company paused its engineering projects to 3D print PPE equipment to help the NHS in its fight against Covid-19.

Now the business is looking to T Levels as a way of creating a talent pipeline and has hosted an industry placement for their first Engineering and Design Development T Level student, Ethan.


Daniel Carley, company director, said:

“At Medtec, we try to provide a starting platform for young engineers to get a taste of the variety of sectors they could pursue as their career. We are passionate about keeping a local talent and skills base on the Isle of Wight.”

The business has welcomed many students on work experience over recent years, from a single a week to university placements lasting 6 months, with some learners gaining employment at the company. Daniel believes the one the main benefits for his business of taking on learners is being able to offer a wide variety of projects and experiences, as MedTec works across all engineering sectors.


He said:

“My message to employers considering using training and employment programmes for the first time is that it is not as time consuming as you think, and that you are potentially building your future workforce.”

T Level student, Ethan, said: “I have really been enjoying my time here, learning new skills and improving my knowledge on CAD. My T Levels placement has given me a clear understanding on what a workplace environment would be like. I’ve also gained a good understanding on what I would like my future to be and I also know how I would like to progress. MedTec has been a good help and will hopefully open more doors for me in the future.”

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